Thursday, January 10, 2008

Meet Micki

Micki decided to pose for her photo shoot on Maude's new ironing board cover that Maude got for Christmas after shredding the old ironing board cover. It's an old-fashioned ironing board that's built into a cabinet in the wall, but the kittehs think it's a cat climbing tree.

As you can see, Micki is a blindingly white cat. As you can't see from these pictures, she's plump and muscular. She outweighs Maude, probably by a factor of two.

While Maude often has a facial expression that might be described as "thoughtful", Micki appears alert and on-duty at most times. When she is in the "huntress" mode, she will go hunting. Since there are no other animals in the house to hunt down, the prey that she hunts down is Maude.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Meet Maude

I've had Micki and Maude for a couple of months now. They're a lot of fun. But I think the best way to get to know them is through photos and videos.

Maude is my little sweetheart. She's got the most agreeable personality of any cat I've ever met. "Ear drops? Sure, Mom. Why not?" is what I can imagine her thinking.

She really loves her bag, too.

Here she is hiding in plain sight.