Friday, June 11, 2010

Catnip time for all

This video was made before Torti had the surgery that resulted in her wearing her elizabethan collar. The black cat, named Basement Cat, is generally pretty shy, but she is a mean drunk. She was rescued at about 10 months of age. At the time she was living on the tarp across the street. She moved into a cooler on my porch for the days when the weather was bad.

She had a stressful trip back from the vet's, and now tends to run the other way when I approach.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Back to posting some cat photos

It's not me and Micki and Maude anymore. A few months ago I rescued a couple of starving kitties, Torti and Basement Cat. Poor Torti is suffering right now. She pulled open her spay incision and has to wear an elizabethan collar for a while and take pills. She is just totally depressed. The only thing I can do is give her drugs, eh?

Click the link for a larger photo of Torti and Micki drowning their sorrows.